Tag Archives: faith

Thinking higher: Tests to Take

Wisdom Quotes, Sirach 2:1

If you come forward to serve the LORD prepare yourself for temptation, – Also (James 1:2-4, 12-15)

The question is posed, who wants a million dollars? With little hesitance many hands are raised. Given it’s purpose and a conceivable reward, many would still find conditions favorable for acceptance. Yet if I told you, you had to walk through the wilderness to get it, many would turn away. Some feeling it’s not worth the risk. Others, fearing the consequence of failure… Many without seeing – the trial isn’t just a test. It’s your measuring stick.

The fierceness of the battle is your proof you’re nearly there. The skirmishes were merely a distraction to keep you from the Promised Land, from coming forward. You want to go forward, Advance! God is calling you higher. Advance! You tests are not a sign of unworthiness. It’s proof you are getting there. Don’t get afraid and turn back now. Don’t get discouraged during the process and start looking back. Where you are is on the road to where you’re going. What you’re becoming is… God’s servant, A Servant of the Lord with God’s authority to speak! To do! To make things happen.

If you choose to answer this call, don’t be impatient. Don’t be afraid! Expect temptations! Expect distractions, infirmities, insurrections, divisions, strife; expect turmoil to proceed. It happens!  you need to know. It’s part of the process of removing some (-ites) from the land.

The Hittites Jebusites, Amorites; all things that are not of the LORD must be dispossessed. All people, that are not hearing or seeing what God has appointed for you, have to disappear for you to grow, to come forward.

For you to Go Higher, to think higher, tests must be run. ( Go Paul) Tests must be taken. (Endure James) In order to proceed you have to pass. In order to pass you have to know The Answer! Jesus is the Way, The truth and The Light.

You received a call? It’s time to Prepare for Action!

A Natural Spring


Hint of Water

A Hint of Water

There is a well of hope and eternity inside,
Some bury it with pride and prejudice
Perhaps arrogance or influenced by the concept of lacking
Needing what, wanting more, it’s all provided.
It’s all promised

A provided spring
A peaceful brook
A well of water
The storm may come
The tiger may prey
The day may darken but there is hope inside
I may yet wait.

Procrastinate for a breath I can ease myself into giving in giving up or

Surely wanting the best for me I should not be denied
Tried in my sinfulness
I surrender
I die but a voice inside says
There is tomorrow
There is today

Yesterday is committed do you desire to live refreshed?
I will I shall
Drink from the eternal spring
Lay at the quiet brook
I know there is water
And I believe there is life
He sets His eyes on me

Facing the Hurt

People in general don’t easily allow you to let go of your past. Many in adversity think it better to leave all traces behind, yet there are some parts of the past you should endeavor never to forget. In the passage just as in life Paul asked, and we can ask God to remove the hurt, the sting. Believing this would make us a more effective, if not credible witness. However God responds, “My strength is made perfect in weakness.”

ThornWe then counter that healing and deliverance are both incredible testaments to God’s power at work. Our weaknesses however are the more incredible. They exist and are a subtle reminder, or in some cases, a not so subtle reminder that we are not the source of the power. This thought should keep us grounded and focused on working toward and accomplishing the mission of God’s will.
This point though stirs a thought in me. Because of his history Paul had to face these things, questions, throughout his ministry and especially to begin his ministry. Yet he never allowed them to stop him.

As exampled in Acts 9:13-15; being called directly from God, and made humble. Paul had to face the question of his reputation before he begins the work of his calling. There is a similar test many Christians face.
Before you begin, move forward, in the promise and plan of God; there has to be the showdown. The point where you face the truth before the people; not as much to embarrass you; but to remove a major stumbling block to your effectiveness. Your peace and comfort with the past.

Having faced this, uncomfortable situation I’m sure, Paul could now move forward as called by God. Without the baggage of having his past representing an impediment to the progress.
Consider it from this perspective; if I’m worried about my past being revealed then my witness is in essence tainted by fear – rather than effective by overcoming.
Furthermore, consider Paul knew of his handicap, and having prayed God too knew Paul’s discomfort with his handicap. Yet God deliberately chose not to heal Paul. The question of why?
God addresses him, “my strength is made perfect in weakness.”
Our weakness is the one road that proves His grace to people who believe God to be afar off. It may not be comfortable, it may not seem comforting – But please understand. God’s Witness is best demonstrated when we aren’t being exalted of ourselves or by others.


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